Sincronice su WordPress con su KONTABEE

KONTABEE puede usar APIREST para sincronizarce con otras apps.


Al habilitar este módulo, habilita el uso de los servicios web proporcionados por el NETLOGYC. A continuación, puede realizar una llamada REST de los diferentes servicios web proporcionados por NETLOGYC.

NETLOGYC REST web services server

Una vez que se activa el módulo de servicios web REST, miclinik se convierte también en un servidor de servicios web REST. Entonces puede enviar su propia solicitud REST a la URL relativa /api/index.php/xxx donde xxx es el nombre de la API a llamar.

Puede encontrar una lista de API en su instalación a través del explorador.

Apache setup

No hay nada que hacer. Si su miclinik funciona con Apache, la API REST también debería funcionar. Las API serán atendidas por el mismo servidor web virtual que su aplicación.

Nginx setup

Al igual que Apache, si su KONTABEE está funcionando dentro de un host virtual NGinx, no debería tener nada que hacer para que su API funcione. Las API serán atendidas por el mismo servidor web virtual que su aplicación.

Sin embargo, la configuración predeterminada de NGinx en muchas distribuciones suele ser un motor de gas y es posible que experimente problemas. Si experimenta estos problemas, puede intentar editar su archivo de configuración NGinx para que coincida con el siguiente ejemplo. Esta es una configuración simple de localhost con un manejo de API REST en funcionamiento (probado con 9.0.1 en parabola gnu / linux).


worker_processes  1;
error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    include       mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    #log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
    #                  '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
    #                  '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

    #access_log  logs/access.log  main;

    sendfile        on;
    #tcp_nopush     on;

    #keepalive_timeout  0;
    keepalive_timeout  65;

    #gzip  on;

    server {
    	listen		80;
        server_name     miclinik.localhost; # adjust to your domain

        root    /usr/share/webapps/miclinik; # adjust to your path 
        index   index.php;

        # from
        location ~ [^/]\.php(/|$) {
            fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+?\.php)(/.*)$;
            if (!-f $document_root$fastcgi_script_name) {
                return 404;

            # Mitigate vulnerabilities
            fastcgi_param HTTP_PROXY "";

            root           /usr/share/webapps/miclinik;
            fastcgi_pass   unix:/run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock;
            fastcgi_index  index.php;
            include        fastcgi_params;
            fastcgi_param  SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
            # miclinik Rest API path support
            fastcgi_param  PATH_INFO       $fastcgi_path_info;
            fastcgi_param  PATH_TRANSLATED $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;

List of provided services

Only few services are available. Starting to micllinik 5.0 version, you can see full list of NETLOGYC Web services provided, by calling the explorer here at address:


You must first make the first call to the login api to get the API key. Then enter api key to get list of all other available API services.

For example, you can try the explorer on the demo instance at:

You must first make the first call to the login api to get the API key. Then enter api key to get list of all other available API services.

You can then test directly from this explorer any API. This is the recommended solution to test any miclinik API since any API and parameters is documented here. As a result of any test, you will get the answer but also example on how to call the API from command line using curl.


To install, open the modules page and activate de API REST module. On the configuration page of the module, there’s a link to an explorer. Click on it to open the API explorer.

On the top right corner, paste the of the user you want to use to call the API and click the “explore” button. Note: The token of each user can be defined on the user record page.

After clicking on “Explore”, you should see all the actions available with this token. If you don’t have a lot of actions, it’s probably because the according modules are not activated. If you want to see the invoices, you have to activate the invoice module in the configuration of miclinik. Same for products, third parties and so on.

On this exploration page of the API, you can do quite a lot of tests. Reading datas from miclinik and writing, modifying and deleting as well. Warning: Data are really modified in your database.


To use the REST API, you have to call an url such as this one : http:///api/index.php/
with one of the 4 following methods : GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, replacing by the action you want to use. Ex : http:///api/index.php/invoices

There’s different ways to do so. Here’s a piece of code but you can also use libraries such as

// Example of function to call a REST API
function callAPI($method, $apikey, $url, $data = false)
    $curl = curl_init();
    $httpheader = ['DOLAPIKEY: '.$apikey];

    switch ($method)
        case "POST":
            curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
            $httpheader[] = "Content-Type:application/json";

            if ($data)
                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

        case "PUT":

	    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
            $httpheader[] = "Content-Type:application/json";

            if ($data)
                curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

            if ($data)
                $url = sprintf("%s?%s", $url, http_build_query($data));

    // Optional Authentication:
    //    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
    //    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "username:password");

    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $httpheader);

    $result = curl_exec($curl);


    return $result;

This is just a working example. There’s no error control and security was not in mind but you can use this code, modify it to suit your needs
The fonction has 4 parameters :

  • $method : string, “GET”, “POST”, “PUT”, “DELETE”
  • $apikey : string, “your generated earlier”
  • $url : string, url to call. Ex : “http:///api/index.php/invoices”
  • $data : string, datas in json format. This parameter is not mandatory.

Accepted parameters

This is documented somewhat in the REST Explorer. Check that first. Second try and see what response you get. Third look at the source code for the given API.


The ISO date format is accepted: %Y-%m-%d e.g. 2020-07-14. yymmdd is not accepted.

Examples with PHP

This is more examples, for different uses cases:

In every examples, we have:

  • $apiKey = “”;
  • $apiUrl = “http:///api/index.php/”;
// Retrieve products list
	$listProduits = [];
	$produitParam = ["limit" => 10000, "sortfield" => "rowid"];
	$listProduitsResult = CallAPI("GET", $apiKey, $apiUrl."products", $produitParam);
	$listProduitsResult = json_decode($listProduitsResult, true);

	if (isset($listProduitsResult["error"]) && $listProduitsResult["error"]["code"] >= "300") {
	} else {
		foreach ($listProduitsResult as $produit) {
			$listProduits[intval($produit["id"])] = html_entity_decode($produit["ref"], ENT_QUOTES);

Comments :

  • I retrieve the 10’000 first products sorted on their ID in the base
  • html_entity_decode is necessary as single quotes are encoded
  • It’s easy to use the same method (replacing products with dictionnarycountries) to retrieve the list of countries and their ID
// Create a product
	$ref = "my_product_ref_X203ZZ";
	$newProduct = [
		"ref"	=> $ref,
		"label"	=> $ref
	$newProductResult = CallAPI("POST", $apiKey, $apiUrl."products", json_encode($newProduct));
	$newProductResult = json_decode($newProductResult, true);

Comments :

  • before creating a product, it could be wise to check if it exists. Using my first example, you’ll have :
// my ref
	$ref = "my_product_ref_X203ZZ";
// does it exist in my array
	$produitKey = array_search($ref, $listProduits);
	if ($produitKey) {
// yes
		$fk_product = $produitKey;
	} else {
// no
// Create the product
		$newProduct = [
			"ref"	=> $ref,
			"label"	=> $ref
		$newProductResult = CallAPI("POST", $apiKey, $apiUrl."products", json_encode($newProduct));
		$newProductResult = json_decode($newProductResult, true);
		if (isset($newProductResult["error"]) && $newProductResult["error"]["code"] >= "300") {
// there's been an error
			echo "
ERROR", var_dump($newProductResult), "

} else {
// everything good
$fk_product = $newProductResult;
$listProduits[$fk_product] = $ref;

Comments :

  • I check if the ref of my product exist in the array created in the first example.
  • If it exists, I use it’s key in the array as ID
  • If it doesn’t exist, I create the product, then I add it to my array for next time then I use the ID created
  • I choose this method to do less API calls when I have to import 500 orders. I just need to retrieve the products list once at the beginning instead of searching miclinik each time.

Warning: The example below is not working properly. Creating an order and lines in one go is not supported. Instead you have to create an order first and with the returned order id add the lines using the /orders/{id}/lines endpoint.

// create an order with 2 products

// The array where there will be all the products lines of my order.
	$newCommandeLine = [];

// product 1
	$ref1 = "my_product_ref_X203ZZ";
	$prix1 = 10;
	$qtt1  = 100;
	$tva1 = 20;
// product 2
	$ref2 = "my_product_ref_B707FD";
	$prix2 = 13;
	$qtt2  = 37;
	$tva2 = 20;

	$newCommandeLine[] = [
		"desc"		=> $ref1,
		"subprice"	=> $prix1,
		"qty"		=> $qtt1,
		"tva_tx"	=> floatval($tva1),
		"fk_product"=> $fk_product1

	$newCommandeLine[] = [
		"desc"		=> $ref2,
		"subprice"	=> $prix2,
		"qty"		=> $qtt2,
		"tva_tx"	=> floatval($tva2),
		"fk_product"=> $fk_product2

	if (count($newCommandeLine) > 0) {
		$newCommande = [
			"socid"			=> $clientmiclinikId,
			"type" 			=> "0",
			"lines"			=> $newCommandeLine,
			"note_private"	=> "order created automatically with API",
		$newCommandeResult = CallAPI("POST", $apiKey, $apiUrl."orders", json_encode($newCommande));
		$newCommandeResult = json_decode($newCommandeResult, true);

Comments :

  • $clientmiclinikId is the ID of the customer in the miclinik database. Either you know it or you can search for it before
  • type => 0, This is a customer order (while 1 = supplier order)
// Validate an order 
	$newCommandeValider = [
		"idwarehouse"	=> "0",
		"notrigger"		=> "0"
	$newCommandeValiderResult = CallAPI("POST", $apiKey, $apiUrl."orders/".$newCommandeResult."/validate", json_encode($newCommandeValider));
	$newCommandeValiderResult = json_decode($newCommandeValiderResult, true);

Comments :

  • in this example, on the penultimate line, we can see : $apiUrl.”orders/”.$newCommandeResult.”/validate”.

$newCommandeResult is the ID of the order created in the previous example

// search in the database if a customer exist
	$customer_name = "Acme Inc";

	$clientSearch = json_decode(CallAPI("GET", $apiKey, $apiUrl."thirdparties", array(
		"sortfield" => "t.rowid", 
		"sortorder" => "ASC", 
		"limit" => "1", 
		"mode" => "1",
		"sqlfilters" => "(t.nom:=:'".$customer_name."')"
	), true);

Comments :

  • limit => 1 only 1 customer
  • mode => 1 we are looking for a customer, not a supplier (they are thirdparties too but with a different status)
  • sqlfilters a bit special but there are more examples on the explorer page
// customer doesn't exist. Let's create it and get it's ID
	$newClient = [
		"name" 			=> "customer company name",
		"email"			=> "customer company email",
		"client" 		=> "1",
		"code_client"	=> "-1"
	$newClientResult = CallAPI("POST", $apiKey, $apiUrl."thirdparties", json_encode($newClient));
	$newClientResult = json_decode($newClientResult, true);
	$clientmiclinikId = $newClientResult;

Comments :

  • client => 1 He is a customer (not a supplier)
  • code_client => -1 so the customer code will be generated automatically.
  • we get the customer ID in $clientmiclinikId